





Fraud Notification

If you received any unsolicited telemarketing calls claiming to be from Alerts911, please read this consumer alert message:

Widespread fraudulent telemarketing calls targeting senior citizens in the U.S. and Canada are prevalent. Alerts911 wants to make sure that you are informed and are aware that aggressive sales and collections are not the way we do business. These telemarketers do not represent and are not connected with Alerts911, its partners or distributors in any way.

We will attempt to investigate and report these actions to consumer protection organizations.

If you or a loved one are contacted by telemarketers claiming to represent Alerts911, do not provide credit card, banking or any other personal information. You should request contact information from the calling party. If you wish to do business with Alerts911, you should call directly to the toll free sales line at: 1-800-878-0290

Consumers or current Alerts911 subscribers who have received these calls may contact Alerts911 Customer Service with any questions, at 1-800-878-0290.

100 E Linton Blvd Suite 206A
Delray Beach FL 33483

Toll Free - 800-878-0290

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